If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves
— Thomas Edison

what does PRIVATE COACHING look like?

  • You and I sit down for POWERFUL, real and deep conversations.

  • I hold a SAFE, loving space for you to show up AUTHENTIC and unfiltered.

  • I help you tap into your true potential and UNLEASH it. Not sure what that looks like? I’ll help you find out.

    I help you go deep, straight to the core of what’s holding you back.

  • Think of me as your personal bullsh*t detector—I don’t buy into the stories your mind wants you to believe. I’m here to serve you, not to please you.

  • With love, I’ll push you and kick your ass, getting you closer to where you want to be.

  • Sometimes you love coaching, and other times you hate it. And that’s ok! Truth tends to piss us off, before it sets us free.

  • I’ll challenge you, laugh with you, and cheer you on.

  • I believe in you. And when doubt creeps in, I’ll remind you just how powerful you are.

Working with me will TRANSFORM your life.

No question about it.!

how does it work?

  • We’ll work one-on-one for a minimum of 3 months—anything less just isn’t enough to create lasting change.

  • Your coaching package will be tailored and highly personalized to meet your unique goals and desires.

  • Sessions take place via Zoom, face-to-face on camera.

Want to find out more?

Coaching is available in 3 different languages

Portuguese | English | Spanish