I will negotiate a contract with you. I will negotiate a topic with you. But I won’t negotiate who I am with you. Because then I may fit in for you, but I no longer belong to myself.
— Brené Brown

if you’re reading this, you want more from life

  • You’ve been told to shut up too many times in your life, right? You probably feel like you’ve lost your voice.

  • You’ve been told you’re too much, too sensitive, feel too deep, right?

  • You’ve dimmed yourself to blend in and be accepted by others, right?

If this feels like you, read on.

  • You’re tired of judging yourself and beating yourself up.

  • You’re tired of pleasing others and constantly betraying who you are.

  • You want to make a change in your life.

YOU are a LEADER, even if you think you’re not

You know you are capable of so much more!

  • You’re intelligent.

  • You love to learn new things.

  • You’re a very resourceful and creative person.

  • You are a very enthusiastic person to be around

  • You believe in living a joyful and playful life.

But the dark side of that is that

  • You tend to take on the responsibility to manage other people’s emotions

  • You feel responsible for other people’s happiness

  • You tend to work too hard.

  • You have a hard time relaxing and simply enjoying the present moment.


You know IT’S TIME to rise!

It’s time to show up for yourself, be FIERCE in your truth and who you truly are.

If you want to be CONFIDENT in your decisions

If you want to TRUST yourself and your choices

If you want to LOVE yourself no matter what

If you are ready to Be UNAPOLOGETICALLY You