If you're going through some hardships, or maybe you're beating yourself up over something, this is for you!
About three years ago I was going through some TOUGH sh*t in my personal life and at the time I was part of an amazing supportive badass program/group created and led by the amazing Jason Goldberg.
I remember one particular day being quite tough and I was looking for a way to be able to come out of a state that wasn't serving me.
I had the strategies and the tools. I had the know-how but I was stuck and kept resisting shifting into a more playful approach to the issue. Sounds familiar?
And then, my dear friend Jennifer dropped this mic-drop-mind-blowing wisdom bomb comment:
"Ooopps, If you played with this then you'd have to forgive yourself and give yourself a break. Then what might your life be like?"
That comment shifted everything for me!
So, my friend... where in your life are you taking yourSelf so seriously?
Where in your life are you being so hard on yourSelf, causing you to hold yourSelf back?
Where in your life are you judging yourSelf so hard, causing you to play small in your birthright to being awesomely happy?
What would be possible for you if you would actually step up and dared to LOVE the sh*t out of yourSelf?
©Teresa Pimenta