It was short after midnight, June 10th 1999, and I had no idea I was about to be hit by a storm that would shake me up to my core and would completely change the trajectory of my life! I had just given birth to my first child and I was about to have an encounter with God.
That was the day I knew Unconditional Love for the first time.
I was left alone with him in my arms, just the two of us in the room. Already feeling the effect of the epidural disappearing, I looked at his beautiful face and all I could see was nothing but LOVE!
In a split second, THAT Love that cracked my heart open and planted the seed of the POSSIBILITY that I too had once been loved like that.
That POSSIBILITY was all it took to awaken an unknown part of myself! It opened a door to a new world and there it was... a storm unravelling inside of me.
Torn between the anger I felt for not feeling loved by my mom and the strange, unfamiliar and indescribable feeling of unconditional love for my newborn baby, I was far from imagining that a new world was getting ready to unravel and that I would forever be changed.
Even if it had been for a minute or even just a second... She must have! She had to! I refused to believe that my mom would not have loved me like that when I was born. No way!
And I SO wanted that love... I wanted that love so badly, that I held on to that moment since then. Even if it had been for just a moment... even if it had been for just a second, I would take it... and I DID!
That's all it takes to melt a human heart -- a glimpse into the depths of Unconditional Love and you'll never know life again the same way. That's how powerful UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is.
And so I pray and give thanks:
Thank you Divine Mother, for holding me with love, for lovingly guiding me into the sweetness of your heart, showing me the way back to Unconditional Love, where I fully love and embrace myself with your loving and sweet support.
It's nothing short of a miracle that I can feel this much Love inside myself and for that, Divine Mother, I am beyond grateful.
Today, more than ever, I celebrate Unconditional Love.
To all the MOTHERS, for you my wish is that you can always stay strong in the so often challenging quest of unconditionally loving your children.
To all the SONS and DAUGHTERS, for you my wish is that you may know in your heart how deep your mother's unconditional love for you is. And, if for some reason it so happens that it's not coming from your earthly mother, know that Divine Mother holds you ALL in her heart, filled with a miraculously healing Unconditional Love.
I know this because She has shown me.
I know this because She has told me so.
I know this because I feel it in my bones.
I know this because I am the living proof of Her Love.
From a very spacious and loving place,
I am holding YOU ALL with LOVE,
©Teresa Pimenta
#DivineLove #UnconditionalLove #Motherhood #Mothers #EmpoweringWomen
Leah Petrusich