
Are You A Prisoner Of Worry?

Many times we let ourselves be caught in the depression of an illusion.

Many times we are worried or sad about something that has not even happened yet, and may well never do. Yet, because we get trapped inside our heads, listening to the thoughts and to the story around them, we get caught into living an illusion.

While trapped in that hallucinating world, we are missing out on our present moment, our reality. We miss out on living our real life for the exchange of our imaginary hallucinating one. Have you ever thought about that?

Well, while you are living that hallucinating imaginary life, who is really living your actual life?

And while you are living that hallucinating imaginary life, who are you leaving behind?

And while you are living that hallucinating imaginary life, what and who are you missing out?

And while you are living that hallucinating imaginary life, what are you really not living?

Budha once said "your problem is that you think you have time".


Here's a poem I wrote just last week while experiencing this specific situation in my own life.


A Spring evening
You & I

I’m there,
You’re not!
My eyes see you
yet my soul feels you not.

You’re trapped inside your head
Locked in that cage
Believing your thoughts...

Nothing but a story those thoughts tell you,
Nothing but a lie,
Nothing but an illusion…
Still, so real to you!

The possibility of pain
Becomes pain itself.

Thoughts are thieves
Stealing you from your real life
Stealing you from me
Keeping you locked
Inside that hallucinating world.

Thoughts make you think you have time.
Thoughts don’t die.
We do!

— Teresa Pimenta

What about you? Do you find yourself being stolen and taken away by your thoughts? I would love to hear from you. Share in the comments!

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