Honour Every Step Of Your Process

Do you ever struggle with PERFECTIONISM? Do you hold yourself back because you think the right conditions are not in place? If so, keep reading.

Back in 2016 when I started coaching, I had a client from Bulgaria who wanted to learn how to make these pancakes that I make, and so I decided to give it a go and record a video with my first (and only so far - still using THAT one) brand new android phone.

So, there I was, getting a hand on this whole new technology stuff. I didn't know how to put the video together BUT I said I would do it. Knowing myself I knew I would find a way, and I did!

OMG! Today, watching that video... oh man, it looks so... BASIC (for lack of a better word) 😂🤣 Free advertising, I guess … ;)

Here are the TWO LESSONS I learned from getting out of my own way and leaving perfectionism aside:

1) Take ACTION! Don't hold yourself back!

Don’t get caught in the perfectionism bullsh*t. We all have to start somewhere, and many times (if not most of the times) BEGINNINGS don’t look neat or pretty or even polished. Nevertheless, it is THAT very first step that actually takes us where we want to go.

2) DARE to honour the beginnings!

Don’t be ashamed of your baby steps! Can you imagine making fun of yourself while you were learning how to walk or to speak? And the way to overcome this is to show up authentically. Yep, I want you to know that there's a part of me that's TOTALLY NOT HAPPY about me sharing this AT ALL! 😂🤣 (And that’s the reason I’m doing it anyway!)

So… honour EVERY MOMENT of your process! Celebrate the big AND small steps!!! Every Little Step Matters!

Take a moment and think about ONE thing that you have been putting off because you're falling for the trap of perfectionism? Got it? Now ask yourself: what's ONE little step that I can take to put me in the direction of making that thing happen?

You’ve got this!